Saturday, Feb 8, 2025 Blessed Virgin Mary Optional Memorial of Saint Josephine Bakhita, Virgin Optional Memorial of Saint Jerome Emiliani, Priest
Mark 6:30-34: The Return of the Twelve Read More from USCCB
St. Catherine’s is a Pilgrim Site for the Jubilee Year. That means we will be offering additional opportunities for confession! Beginning February 1, confessions will be offered at the following times:
Every Tuesday after the 7:30am Morning Mass until 9:30am.
Wednesday Afternoons: 4-5pm,
Thursday Afternoons: 4-5pm,
There will be 3 priests available at those times and they will be in the Parish Office. We will also have our regularly scheduled Saturday confessions at 2:30pm in the Church.
Jubilee Mercy for the Homebound
We have many faithful people who would like to do a pilgrimage but unfortunately cannot do it due to illness, imprisonment, elderly, or those providing continuous care for the sick, etc. Therefore, our parish has placed a Jubilee Year 2025 book on the table by the baptismal font in the church. If you are an individual who can make the pilgrimage on behalf of someone, you may sign your name and the names of the incapable, ensuring that the necessary requirements have been met for the reception of an indulgence. See the linked document below on the requirements for the Plenary Indulgence:
Indulgence Info »
The Holy Father's Prayer Intention for February
For Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life: Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ's mission in the priesthood and religious life.
Each year, the Holy Father asks for our prayers for a specific intention each month. You are invited to answer the Pope's request and to join with many people worldwide in praying for this intention each month and during your Jubilee 2025 pilgrimage.
Lent begins Ash Wednesday, March 5th
The church commences the holy season of Lent on Ash Wednesday, March 5 and embarks in its 40-day journey of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. This period of penance prepares us to celebrate our Lord's Resurrection at Easter on Sunday, April 20.
Our parish has announced the scheduled Masses and services and will be distributing Ashes exclusively at these liturgies. Staff will also be assisting at these liturgies; therefore the parish offices will be closed on Ash Wednesday.
Luncheon begins after 12pm Mass with the program commencing after the 2pm Mass. Perform a song, dance, or other custom or game. Bring your favorite traditional dish to share and wear your traditional clothing.
Contact the Parish Office and ask for Jeckie to participate.
Contact Office »
Encounter God
Join us for Mass this Weekend
From the start of her 2000 year history, the early church understood the paramount important of the eucharist. It took the church nearly 400 years to collect and assemble the bible, but the holy eucharist has been celebrated since the beginning.
Receive our Lord’s Mercy with the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Join us for in the church for scheduled private confessions or make an appointment for quality one-to-one time with your confessor by contacting our Parish Office and scheduling a time to celebrate the Sacrament privately.
Walk to Emmaus Continuing Adult Faith Group Study "The Real Presence"
Experience our Lord and his calling for you to receive his grace through Walk to Emmaus, our parish's open-entry continuing adult formation program that explores the bible and church teachings, all of which are supported solidly by our Diocese and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Luncheon begins after 12pm Mass with the program commencing after the 2pm Mass. Perform a song, dance, or other custom or game. Bring your favorite traditional dish to share and wear your traditional clothing. Contact the Parish Office and ask for Jeckie to participate.
A Time for Mercy/Rachel's Vineyard Retreat for Post-Abortion Healing
A safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion. Retreats are confidential and non-judgmental, offered in Catholic tradition, and open to women and men wounded by abortion.